Jul 4, 2011

Things are not always as they appear.

Observed on a regional flight.
kid- Can I have more apple juice please?

flight attendant- No, were not doing any more service because of the turbulence.
The flight attendant pushes the cart back to the galley.

Moments later the kid spills what is left of his drink. He walks to the galley.

kid- can I have a towel?

flight attendant- go back to your seat because the seatbelt sign is illuminated.

kid- I spilled my drink

The flight attendand decides it's easier to hand him napkins foom the beverage cart that her and fa#2 are feverishly preparing to stow in the aft gally.

I feel bad as I see the man I thought was a jerk return toward his seat to clean the spill that was caused by his shakey arms, not the turbulance.

His red T-shirt reads "I have huntington's disease, what's your problem?"